Since Israel has become an international tourist destination, many people are discovering some of the truly fascinating places they can see here. You may want to incorporate these within Israel weekly tours. This is often a good choice for travelers who want to pack in as much excitement as they can in a short time frame. If you are pressed for time, you may want to set up Israel weekly tours that will give you a broad sampling of what the country has to offer.
Consider Guided Tours of Jerusalem
You may want to incorporate a guided tour of Jerusalem while you are passing through the country. This city is a popular inclusion within Israel weekly tours, because it offers so much in just one location. You can experience thousands of years of history within the walls of the Old City. This is popular for many people, since they will get to see just about everything that they imagine when they picture Jerusalem.
Explore the Diverse Countryside
Some visitors may also want to enjoy some of the natural scenery of the country when they set up Israel weekly tours. It may be important for many visitors to carefully plan out these trips, since they want to get as much done as possible. Think about renting a car that can take you from the Red Sea to Mount Carmel in the north. Include many stops at places like the Dead Sea, which are often a must-see for travelers.
End at Tel Aviv
Finally, just about everyone will want to stop by at Tel Aviv before they leave. This is an exciting coastal resort town, which offers a brand new look at the country. It features stunning beaches and expansive resort hotels. You may want to add these to your Israel weekly tours, which could prove to be the perfect ending to your trip.